Monday, November 18, 2013

Reasons Why Most Parents Prefer Homeschooling Their Children

Statistics reveal that many parents have removed their children from public/regular school systems and opted for home schooling. There are parents who prefer homeschooling their children until they reach high school level. Note that, home schooled children can register for the final exams and get diplomas like regular schooled children in some states. So why do parents love home schooling their children?

  • Nomadic parents – There are parents who never sit still in one location. In most cases, their jobs demand too much travelling leaving them with no other option but to homeschool their children. It’s very difficult to leave their children in the care of someone else especially at a young tender age because it tends to cause estrangement between the parents and the children. Some parents hire tutors to travel with them and teach their children on the road.
  • Fear of the regular school systems – Children in regular school systems tend to waste a lot of time especially during breaks or class periods where time allocation is wanting. For instance, in a two-hour class period allocated for English, the teacher may tell stories in the first hour and half and the rest teach irrelevant issues. On the other hand, if the child is home-schooled the child will be guided through the learning process efficiently making sure no time period is wasted.
  • Illnesses – There are children who are not accepted into regular schools because of the illnesses they suffer from. For instance, mental illnesses, phobias, disability issues etc. In such cases, the parents may choose to homeschool their children and avoid any social criticism.

In conclusion, no matter your reason for homeschooling children, you can set up a study timetable, use the right syllabus, and make sure that your child is properly educated much like the regular schooled children.

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