Monday, April 14, 2014

Summer Writing Ideas for Children

Summer doesn’t exactly conjure up images of pen and paper, but there are many summer writing ideas for children that will keep them excited about the season.

1. Dream Vacation

Search the internet for photographs of interesting places and have your child choose one that, if they could,  they would like to visit during summer vacation.  Have them write about their imaginary travel there; describing the people, the weather and the sights.  They can even invent an imaginary place from the photograph and name it, map it, and write about it!

2.  Weather or Not

Another great prompt to keep summer pens busy uses an imaginary situation. What if the mythological gods of weather decided to remove summer from the rotation of seasons?  What would happen to the other seasons? To crops and businesses? To people’s lifestyles?  How would things change in general?  Would they be better, or worse?

3.  Some Like It Hot

One really interesting summer writing idea for children is the notion that some people love sultry, hot, humid days while others can’t wait for the first snowfall.  Which one does your child prefer?  Why?  What would they do if there was only hot (or only cold) weather?

All of these summer writing ideas for children are geared toward fun, imaginative, easy writing — a perfect formula to keep kids engaged and interested all summer long.

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