Monday, April 7, 2014

Benefits of Summer Homeschool – Part I

You can hear it now…”Awww mom, do we have to?”  Even though the kids may be resistant at first, the whole family will discover that there are many benefits to summer homeschool.  First of all, year-round school is not just for homeschoolers.  Many public school systems are seeing the value of continuous schooling and implementing courses of study the extend through the summer.  One benefit of  homeschool in the summer is less pressure on teacher and students to complete curricula that may need more practice and the ability to schedule more breaks (read: vacations!) throughout the year.

Another great benefit to summer homeschool is that days are structured.  How many times have you been presented with a child in the throes of summer doldrums who has “nothing to do”.  This doesn’t happen when you have an active school plan for the summer months, but since it is summer you can be casual enough to suspend lessons for a day at the pool with friends when the mood strikes.

Planning lessons with a summery spin or incorporating plenty of fun breaks into the plan helps to ease kids into the idea of schooling year round and gives them a chance to have fun as well. Giving summer lessons a try this year will allow you to experience the many benefits of summer homeschool and add a new dimension to your lesson planning.

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