Monday, December 9, 2013

Coping Strategies For Homeschooling Parents

Being a parent is not an easy job! Parenting is demanding physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.  It is a huge responsibility…all the time!  Homeschooling can add to the stressors by adding more worry about homeschooling, guilt about allowing things to go undone, and more responsibility.

Have you ever notice that at times you are most stressed – at the same times your child or children are the most frustrating?  Other people can be so helpful!  “Don’t forget to take care of yourself!” There have been many times when I have wanted to yell in return, “Just how am I supposed to do that?”

As I have matured I have learned a few things that are helpful to me.  Maybe they will be helpful to you.

  •  I have to remind myself to eat and sleep regularly.  If I don’t, I am easily overwhelmed and cranky.  The “to do list” in my head just has to wait for me to do those two things or even the simplest of tasks takes more time and energy than I can give.
  •  I need to maintain relationships with friends who have a calming and strengthening affect on me.  When I am stressed, I avoid people who like drama or have a need to “fix” me.
  • I have adopted serenity spaces to take a short break.  For me the most effective spaces involve trees and outdoors (even when the snow is blowing).  I had to establish firm boundaries with the other people in my world about giving me time alone in those spaces.
  • I remember my grandparents raised children with far less money, space, options, and without a dishwasher!  They bring me strength and courage.
  • If I am struggling with an issue that I don’t want to share with people in my life, I have been known to call a free hotline (like Boys Town National Hotline 1-800-448-3000) to talk to a stranger.
  • And every day I get to take at least 15 minutes to do just what I want to do.  It might be dancing to a song that makes me happy, reading a junk novel, painting something silly, or taking a very hot bath and fantasying I’m on a cruise ship heading for Alaska.

As frustrating as it is to hear, “Don’t forget to take care of yourself,” it is important to figure out how to do that.  It is a gift only you can give yourself and it will make all the difference in the world.

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